tel: +34 943 335 077
fax: +34 943 332 580


Responsible body: Cintas Adhesivas UBIS S.A.
TAX No.: A20034567
Address: Polígono Lastaola - Apartado 39 - 20120 Hernani - Spain
Telephone: +34 943 335 077


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A., the body responsible for the website, makes this document available to users with the intention of fulfilling the obligations of Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform all users on its conditions of use.

All people entering the Website assume the role of users, undertaking to strictly observe and obey the provisions indicated herein, in addition to any other applicable legal provision. .

CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. reserves the right to change any of the information appearing in its website, with no obligation to give prior warning or notify users of said changes, understanding that their simple publication is sufficient.


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. accepts no liability whatsoever for information published on its Website in the event that said information has been manipulated or inserted by a third party foreign to the website.

It can use cookies to carry out certain functions considered essential for the correct operation and viewing of the website. See cookies policy.


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. is the owner of all of the information contained in this website..

By virtue of the stipulations of the Law on Intellectual Property, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate, including the way in which they are made available, all or part of the contents of this Website, for commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorisation of CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A.

The User promises to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A.

Furthermore, the User must abstain from removing, changing, avoiding or manipulating any protection or security device installed in the portal of CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A.


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. does not guarantee the availability and function of the Portal or of the Services. When reasonably possible, it will give prior notice of interruptions in the Portal and in the Services.

CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. does not accept liability for any kind of damage potentially arising due to the presence of a virus or of other elements in the contents which may cause changes to the User’s computer system, despite having previously taken all of the necessary steps to prevent them.

CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. reserves the right to make, without prior notification, any changes it considers necessary to its Portal; it can therefore change, remove or add the contents and services it provides through said Portal and the way these appear or are located in its Portal. .


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. is deeply committed to fulfilling the law on personal data protection, and guarantees that it fully complies with the obligations set out in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as those of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016, of 27th April.

CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. informs you that it complies with Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

The data provided by interested parties on contacting us by email or by completing a contact form will be processed by CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. Said personal data will be used to answer your request for information, with the legal basis being the consent given by the interested party on sending us an email or accepting our privacy policy. Accepting our privacy policy means that you give your express consent for the processing of your personal data for the purposes described. See privacy policy.

Users are free at any time to exercise their rights of access, rectification, objection, portability or limitation of said data processing. In order to be able to comply with the request to exercise their rights, it will be necessary to verify the user’s identity; the notification must therefore include their name and surnames, their specific request, their address for notification purposes, the date, their signature and a photocopy of their national identity document or any other valid identity document. The notification can be sent by ordinary mail to the address: POL. IND.LASTAOLA 5 20120 HERNANI or by email to:

In the event of considering that a problem exists with the way in which CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. is processing your details, you can address your complaints to the corresponding data protection authority, which in the case of the Spanish territory is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).

All changes made by them to their personal details must be communicated by their owner to the body responsible for processing their data.

CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. reserves the right to make changes to its privacy policy or conditions of use in order to adapt to current legislation. Users of this website are advised to periodically check this page, given that by using this website the user will be understood to have accepted the privacy policy. We guarantee absolute confidentiality and privacy in regard to the personal data collected. We have taken safety measures to prevent unauthorised changes, loss, processing or access. This said, CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. will accept no liability for incidents potentially emerging in regard to personal data when such a situation is the result of either an unauthorised attack on or access to its systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent, even having taken the measures available according to the current state of technology.


In accordance with the stipulations of Regulation (UE) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, we inform you that any personal data supplied will be processed by CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. with Tax code: A20034567; and its address at POL. IND.LASTAOLA 5 20120 HERNANI; Tel.: 943335077 and email:


The data you give on this form will be used to respond to your request for information.

The data will be kept for the time established by the law, unless you inform us that you object to the use of your personal data, in which case it will be immediately blocked.

In the event of you contracting one of our services or products, we will use your personal data to manage and invoice them.

You can always exercise your rights of access, rectification, portability, restricted processing and deletion of the data processed.


The legal basis for processing their personal data is the consent given by the interested party on completing and accepting the form on which they enter their data on the website.


No data will be conveyed to third parties unless legally compelled to do so, or where doing so is necessary to comply with the purpose.


Your rights as the interested person and inaccordance with the GDPR are as follows:.

You can exercise your personal data protection rights by writing to CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A., or to the email, indicating which of the above-mentioned rights you wish to exercise and including a copy of your national identity document or other equivalent document proving your identity.


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. guarantees that it has taken all of the necessary security measures to guarantee the safety of your personal data according to the current state of technology.


CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. reserves the right to make changes to its privacy policy or conditions of use in order to adapt to current legislation. Users of this website are advised to periodically check this page, given that by using this website the user will be understood to have accepted the privacy policy. We guarantee absolute confidentiality and privacy in regard to the personal data collected. We have taken safety measures to prevent unauthorised changes, loss, processing or access. This said, CINTAS ADHESIVAS UBIS S.A. will accept no liability for incidents potentially emerging in regard to personal data when such a situation is the result of either an unauthorised attack on or access to its systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent, even having taken the measures available according to the state of current technology.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer when you access a website.

They are not viruses but tools which play an essential role in the delivery of many services over the internet. Among other things they help to remember the language in which you want to browse the web, to collect statistics to optimize the site's functionality or to share our contents in your social networks.

What kind of cookies does this web use?

Technical cookies. Created and managed solely by us they allow navigation through our website and the use of its different options and services.

Analytical Cookies. Treated by us or by third parties, they allow us to quantify the number of users and perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use of our website.

In any case, we obtain personal information about the user, ensuring the protection of the privacy of people browsing the web.

How to deactivate cookies

Although most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can modify the settings of your browser to allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer.

Instructions depending on the browser.

We use cookies to improve our services. More information